
Published the Oct. 6, 2021

Nicola Carlon Zambon, recipient of the C'NANO IDF 2020 Thesis Prize - EDOM Thesis Prize

Nicola (Titta) Carlon Zambon obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in physics at the University of Padova, Italy. For his final master project, he joined Jaqueline Bloch's group at C2N (formerly LPN) to study nonlinear phenomena occurring in microcavities hosting light-matter hybrid quasiparticles called polaritons. In 2016, he obtained a grant from the École doctorale Ondes et Matière allowing him to continue his experiments at C2N. Benefiting from the nanofabrication facilities and expertise present at C2N, he was able to diversify his research to work on both the development of new microlaser architectures and a stochastic thermodynamics framework describing non-equilibrium phase transitions in non-linear optical systems. After obtaining his PhD in 2020, he spent a year studying the interactions of light, matter and sound in semiconductor microresonators in the MaCaCQu flagship project, bridging the fields of optomechanics and polaritonics, and showing the potential of the platform as a new hybrid quantum system. He will soon join Lukas Novotny's group at ETH to explore the dynamics of levitating nano-objects.

