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Mission Juice : C2N also embarks for the icy moons of Jupiter

Thanks to the expertise of their teams and their advanced environment, C2N, in partnership with LERMA, have developed the most sensitive Schottky THz nano-diode process at 1080/1275 GHz in the world. This nanocomponent, fabricated in our clean room, has been …

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Spin texture and ultrafast conversion of spin current to charge current with a topological insulator

Quantum materials, and in particular topological insulators, offer new prospects for more efficient electronics that consume less energy. These materials, such as the Bi1-xSbx alloy, are insulators in depth but have spin-polarised conduction states on their surface. They enable …

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Exploring the frontiers of ultra-high freqency acoustic phonons : insights on cutting-edge research

High-frequency acoustic phonons break the paradigm of “bad guys” in solid-state physics, and take the lead in revolutionizing nanotechnology. Nanophononics, a rapidly developing field of nanotechnology, is the study of acoustic phonons – ultrahigh-frequency acoustic vibrations of atoms …

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Manipulating hypersound in mesopouros materials

Physicists and chemists use mesoporous materials to confine ultra-high frequency acoustic phonons. The rapidly advancing field of Nanophononics focuses on the study of hypersound, acoustic waves in the gigahertz to terahertz range, at the nanoscale. These high-frequency acoustic …

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Ohmic Behavior in Metal Contacts to n/p-Type Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides: Schottky versus Tunneling Barrier Trade-off

High contact resistance (RC) between 3D metallic conductors and single-layer 2D semiconductors poses major challenges toward their integration in nanoscale (opto)electronic devices. While in experiments the large RC values can be partly due to defects, ab initio simulations suggest …