
Published the Oct. 15, 2019

Jacqueline Bloch is awarded with the "prix Ampère de l’Électricité de France", and is elected at the French Academy of sciences.

Jacqueline Bloch, CNRS Senior Researcher at C2N, has been awarded the “prix Ampère de l'Électricité de France” 2019. The French Academy of sciences honored her during a solemn presentation of her prize under the Coupole of the Institut de France on October 15.
In December, she was elected member of the French Academy of sciences, in the section of physics.

Jacqueline Bloch's work is pioneering in the field of cavity polaritons in semiconductors. Early in her career, she became interested in the ultimate confinement of electrons and light in nanostructures, in order to exalt and control light-matter interaction. Thanks to her experimental breakthroughs, together with her deep understanding of a subtle subject, she is now a world leader in the field of polariton quantum fluids. Her research on this system added an invaluable contribution to a broad field of physics, that ranges from liquid helium to ultra-cold quantum gas.

The impact of her work is evidenced not only by the high number of citations of her publications, but also by the many requests she received for collaboration coming from experimenters and theorists, in France and abroad (Spain, Italy, Israel, Germany, United Kingdom ...).

She actively participates to the management of research, at the local level in her laboratory, at the national level at the comité national du CNRS, at the international level in the ERC panels. She is renowned for the clarity of her lectures, and students can benefit from her teaching skills, especially at the Institut d'Optique and the Ecole Polytechnique.

  • 18 new members of the French Academy of sciences were elected in December 2019 (read the press release - in French), including Jacqueline Bloch who joined the section of physics.