
Published the Sept. 27, 2023

The HORMONIC-CARD project, laureate of the "POC IN LABS" call for 2023 prematurity projects

The HORMONIC-CARD project is selected by the “Poc-In-Labs 2023” project call at Université Paris-Saclay. This project, with a strong socio-economic impact, offers, thanks to the coupling between electrochemistry and microfluidics, a new technical solution for a sensitive, specific, portable sensor to detect simultaneously 3 hormones used for monitoring them before assisted medical procreation. This lab-on-chip will significantly improve the treatment process and benefit patients, doctors and the healthcare system. This project will be carried out within the Biosys team of the MicroSystems and NanoBiofluidics department of C2N, in collaboration with the “Service de la reproduction” (Angers University Hospital, CHU) and the MINT laboratory (University of Angers).

Contact : Jean Gamby