
Published the Dec. 12, 2018

A conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics co-organised by C2N

The International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics (ICIQP) was held on 15 to 17 Novembre 2018 on the campus of Université Paris Diderot (amphitheater Buffon). The organization team was composed of Sara Ducci (MPQ, Univ. Paris Diderot), Eleni Diamanti (LIP6, CNRS), Pascale Senellart-Mardon (C2N, CNRS) as well as the organization committee members Maria Amanti and Florent Baboux (MPQ, Univ. Paris Diderot), Carlos Antón Solanas (C2N, CNRS) and Luis Trigo Vidarte (LIP6/LCFIO). They were pleased to welcome during 3 days 140 participants in a warm and stimulating work atmosphere, gathering the best international experts but also a great number of PhD students and Post-docs.

This conference aims at becoming a regular international meeting for the Integrated Quantum Photonics community, to present the most recent developments and challenges in the field of quantum light sources, discrete and continuous variables, of on-chip quantum light manipulation and detection, quantum cryptography and optical quantum computation. The conference will be held in 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.