The department research activities focus on the study and design of innovative micro / nano devices, the development of micro-nano-fabrication processes, the development and integration of instrumentation associated with devices, and device characterization.


The latest news from the Department - Health




The research team aims at understanding biophysical phenomena within microfluidic devices, as well as at promoting new nanofabrication technologies for the life sciences

Microsystem for Biomedical Applications Group

Nous développons des procédés technologiques innovants pour la conception et la réalisation de micro-dispositifs dédiés à des applications biologiques et médicales.

MN(O)EMS and Instrumentation group

Nous développons des micro-dispositifs magnétiques et électromagnétiques, des micro/nano systèmes électromécaniques (MNEMS) et des micro-instruments optiques (MOEMS) et également des procédés d’assemblage et de packaging.

Biotechnology resources

BioTechC2N technology resources offer support services for researchers/ITAs and industrialists, helping them through all stages of microdevice development in the biomedical field.

Key Figures

  • 3 Research groups
  • 21 Permanent members
  • 3 Engineers
  • 22 PhD students
  • 5 Post-Docs

Head of Department

  • Pierre-Yves Joubert (Head)
  • Fabien Parrain (Deputy)