C2N is the laureate of the EUGLOH Alliance's call for projects. Presentation of the SMART 2022 Project "Soft Missions with A Research Topic in 2022".
The objective of the SMART-22 project is to develop scientific and cultural dissemination among doctoral students within the EUGLOH Alliance in 2022. The proposed approach is to set up a series of short missions for PhD students in the framework of an exchange programme between the partners of the EUGLOH alliance: Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), Lund University (LU), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Universidade do Porto (UPorto), University of Szeged (USZ)
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of young researchers to
- Disseminate and promote their research activity to young scientists with an international audience
- Expand their scientific and professional network and prepare for post-doctoral activities
- Meet new research organisations and teamwork approaches to broaden their own research methodology,
- Share and open up to new scientific and cultural lifestyles across Europe
- Develop soft skills at an international level
The SMART-22 project also aims to provide visibility to the PhD students involved professionally and socially in this project, through the publication of the scientific and intercultural activities in which the PhD participants have taken part.
The mission of each project participant :
- To immerse themselves in a research group
- Give a scientific lecture adapted to the target audience
- Participate with the people of the host group in social and convivial events (cultural visit, social events, sports activity, ...) organised for/by the host PhD students.
Scientific leader of the project : Pierre-Yves JOUBERT, Professor, Deputy Director and Head of the MNBF Department Scientific co-leader : Charlotte Kutyla, PhD student, MNBF Department Technical manager : Amanda Trépagny, Communication officer
Nessrine Jebari, PhD student, MNBF Department