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Fériel Laourine, Laureate of the Renatech 2023 thesis prize

Fériel Laourine, received, during the C'Nano congress, the Renatech thesis prize for her thesis work (defended at C2N and the Institut Jean Lamour) on the "Texturing of the surface of stainless steels by chlorinated plasmas and understanding of the mechanisms …

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David González Andrade, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at C2N for the SUNRISE project

David González Andrade grew up in a small town in southern Spain, where he studied until high school. His great curiosity and interest in applied physics and new technologies led him to enroll in the Telecommunication Engineering degree. In …

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Rémy Braive laureat of the Fabry – de Gramont Prize of the Société Française d'Optique

Rémy BRAIVE, 2022 laureat of the Fabry – de Gramont Prize for his work around optomechanics with photonic crystals, in particular the use of mechanical modes for the generation of signals with high spectral purity and the detection of …

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Hélène Ollivier laureate of the Physics of Waves and Matter (PhOM) 2021 thesis prize of the Graduate School of Physics of the Paris-Saclay University

Congratulations to Hélène Ollivier, post-doctoral fellow, GOSS team - photonics department, winner of the Physics of Waves and Matter (PhOM) 2021 thesis prize from the Graduate School of Physics of the Paris-Saclay University. In 2013, Hélène Ollivier joined …