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Measuring topological properties of graphene

The discovery of topological phases of matter, which was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics, has profoundly impacted our understanding of condensed matter. The hallmark of these topological phases is the existence of surface states whose properties can …

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Helium Ions Put Magnetic Skyrmions on the Track

Magnetic skyrmions are deemed to be the forerunners of novel spintronic applications. Due to their nanometric size and predicted efficient current-induced manipulation, magnetic skyrmions hold great promise as future information carriers in ultra-fast, high-density non-volatile memory and logic devices. …

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Rémy Braive is a finalist for the Jean Jerphagnon Prize 2020

This prize is awarded to scientists proposing an innovative project and strongly involved in technological innovation and the dissemination of optics and photonics in any application field. Rémy was distinguished for his work on Integrated Oscillators for clock distribution.

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Sylvia Matzen, Médaille de bronze CNRS 2021

After an engineering degree from the E.S.P.C.I. school (Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de Paris) and a master in Materials Science and Nano-objects (Université Paris VI), Sylvia Matzen did a PhD in Materials Science at the CEA …

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Scientists develop an ultra-fast laser modulator for the mid-IR

Applications based on mid-infrared radiation have grown at a very rapid pace, with clear links to environmental applications. Mid-IR cameras have propelled the field of thermal imaging, that permits to optimize and reduce thermal dissipation. In addition, the invention …