
Published the April 26, 2022

Jacqueline Bloch, laureate of an ERC Advanced Grant for her project ANAPOLIS

The ANAPOLIS project (Analog Polariton Simulators) led by Jacqueline Bloch has been selected for funding within the ERC Advanced Grant 2021 call.

Cavity polaritons, a mixture between light and electronic excitations of matter, are obtained by trapping both light and electrons in small volumes called cavities. When these cavities are assembled into lattices, polaritons acquire complex physical properties, the result of the coupling between lattice sites, interactions within each site, and of the balance between loss and excitation of the system. ANAPOLIS is an interdisciplinary project aimed at using polariton lattices to explore three major problems of modern physics : the physics of non-equilibrium interfaces and their universal scaling laws, non-linear topology and quantum magnetism. The lattices made of semiconductors will be realized using nanotechnology facilities of C2N and the unique know-how developed there. They will be studied experimentally by advanced optical spectroscopy in Jacqueline Bloch's team.

Jacqueline Bloch is CNRS research director at C2N, CNRS silver medal, elected member of the Académie des sciences.