
Published the Dec. 11, 2018

The grand opening of the TEMPOS project will be held on the 18th and 19th December.

The inauguration official ceremony of TEMPOS will be held at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS) in Orsay and will start at 10:30 the 18th.
This ceremony will be followed by a scientific seminar starting at 1:30 PM on the 18th at the LPS, and continuing on the 19th in the new C2N premises in Palaiseau. The workshop will focus on different aspects of research related to the TEMPOS platform equipment: in situ synthesis of nanostructures from molecular beams, radicals or gases, very high energy resolution spectromicroscopy experiments combining electrons and photons and advanced characterisation of new materials.

TEMPOS is a tripod, with two pieces of next-generation equipment devoted to excellence in TEM (CHROMATEM and NANOMAX), and a third pole to back up the development of other local nanoscience activities (NANOTEM). NANOMAX and CHROMATEM will push  forward the limits in the study of individual nano-objects and nanomaterials, from their growth to the most local measurement of their physical properties, with innovative instrumentation. NANOTEM, in addition to providing support to the whole nanoscience community on the Campus will permit the necessary preliminary studies required by the other two microscopes. The objects of study of the TEMPOS project are innovative materials, nanostructures and  architectures, including spintronics and oxitronics devices, metamaterials, semiconducting nanowires and quantum emitters, carbon nanotubes, functional oxides.