Press release (in French) of Paris-Sud University - December 18, 2018
A unique platform for electron microscopy accessible to all researchers in the Paris-Saclay area, TEMPOS, was inaugurated today, 18 December 2018, in Orsay. Funded by Equipex (French program "Investissements d'avenir"), this project is supported by Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, École Polytechnique and CEA. Industrial partners, Saint-Gobain and Thales, are also involved through their R&D departments.
- Université Paris-Sud l Cécile Pérol l T (+33) 1 69 15 41 99
- CNRS l Samira Techer l T (+33) 1 44 96 46 37
TEMPOS ( is a tripod, with two pieces of next-generation equipment devoted to excellence in TEM (CHROMATEM1 and NANOMAX2), and a third pole to back up the development of other local nanoscience activities (NANOTEM3). NANOMAX and CHROMATEM will push forward the limits in the study of individual nano-objects and nanomaterials, from their growth to the most local measurement of their physical properties, with innovative instrumentation. NANOTEM, in addition to providing support to the whole nanoscience community on the Campus will permit the necessary preliminary studies required by the other two microscopes. The objects of study of the TEMPOS project are innovative materials, nanostructures and architectures, including spintronics and oxitronics devices, metamaterials, semiconducting nanowires and quantum emitters, carbon nanotubes, functional oxides.
- Read the news "Observing the growth of crystals in a transmission electron microscope" about recent results obtained by C2N and LPICM researchers with NanoMAX in October 2018
1 based at Laboratoire de Physique des Solides - LPS (CNRS/Université Paris-Sud)
2 based at Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces et des Couches Minces - LPICM (CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique)
3 based at Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies - C2N (CNRS/Université Paris-Sud)
Photo: Opening of the Scios Thermo Fischer dual beam microscope enclosure of the NANOTEM platform. The massive sample is placed in the microscope enclosure with the grid on which will be welded the sample thinned by ion milling. NANOTEM allows academic and industrial partners of TEMPOS to conduct structural and chemical studies at the atomic scale by transmission electron microscopy. © Cyril FRESILLON / C2N / CNRS Photothèque